Saturday, November 5, 2011


Three hours and 28 minutes?  I wasn't so much concerned with the time requirement, but I was certainly concerned that there would be so much information I'd never be able to take it all in . . . I was initially impressed with the organization of the training video.  I like a good check-list and that was the first component I noticed.  It wasn't 3 hours and 28 minutes, it was 2 minutes here, 5 minutes there, with a check list to monitor what I'd already viewed and what was to come.  This will also be helpful when I need to go back and watch a clip that I've previously viewed; that will make me much more inclined to actually take the time to go back, knowing I won't have to fast forward through hours of footage to refresh my memory on 3.5 minutes of a particular topic.  

Footage is now imported into iMovie
Mr. Chow's voice was easy to listen to and steps for connecting and obtaining footage off of the video camera, and other options, was very clear and easy to follow.  My first ah-ha moment came when he was giving information about marking clips with favorite, unmarked, and discarded labels.  NOW I know why the red line appears above my little clips when I've hit the delete button, or why the orange line appears when I've used a segment of clip in my actual project!  Watching this AFTER toying around with the program for a few months actually makes more sense than I thought it would.  Procedures that I stumbled upon while trying to figure the program out now make sense, and I also learned more in-depth how to use them.  I am excited to begin learning how to do simple editing on iMovie. 

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