Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 2 Leadership Presentation Options

The first conference I am interested in presenting my Leadership Project at is the Ubiquitous Learning Conference at the University of Illinois, October 2012. 
·      Investigates the use of technologies in learning
·      How do laptops, mobile phones, games, digital music players & cameras widen the possibilities of education
·      The conference focuses on the main challenges of access to these new learning opportunities
·      Presentations can be in person or virtual – conference attendance is the same

The second conference I am interested in presenting my Leadership Project to is at the Georgia Educational Technology Conference, held in Atlanta, Georgia, November 2012.
·      Varying presentation styles including:  Concurrent (a formal, one hour presentation given to a seated audience) or Smackdown Session where a presenter has about two minutes to share something ‘techie’ that they find valuable in the world of educational technology
·      The GaETC is specifically for the professional development of educators with a focus on technology innovations and the impact on teaching and learning

My choice for presenting is the Georgia Educational Technology Conference because their focus is on educators.  I felt that the attenders of this conference would benefit from my experiences in teaching technology to teachers who have been reluctant to implement technology in their classrooms.

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