Friday, June 15, 2012

Week 3 Blog Comments

Original posting from Melinda Lyle-Javier
“Leading from any chair”

My classroom does not have a teacher’s desk. I move around the room as I give lessons. A Montessori classroom teacher is called a “guide.” Hopefully, we guide the students or direct them. Zander’s book has so many aspects that really resonate with me.


“Rule number 6”

After reading this chapter I feel my challenge is to lighten up. I do agree that being able to lighten up enables one to be in a positive energy place. Whatever my energy is I can see how much it impacts my students. Every morning as I arrive at school I take a moment to leave behind my personal world and ready my body and spirit for my students.


“The way things are”

The strongest point that resonated with me was being with the way things are by clearing judgments. I can be judgmental, and this is a negative trait that I continually work towards changing.


“Giving way to passion”

Dare to let go. This is great advice that everyone should follow. If we let go we can experience new ideas. Those ideas can take us many places. So date to let go.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________  My response to Melinda:
Melinda -

I found your lack of "teacher desk" to be an interesting concept. In prior years, I didn't spend much time at my desk because I was constantly moving amongst my students and leading group discussions, etc. This year, my desk became my sanctuary. When I became overwhelmed, I hid. I'm not proud of that. Where do you go in your room when you need to escape for a few minutes? :)

I also appreciated what you said about leaving your personal world behind when you walk in the door. I do wonder how much my students picked up while I was going through my health issues and my frustration with teaching to the FCAT (and maybe even FSU stress!). I will make a conscious effort to "ready my mind" for my students. I love that.

We can sure learn a lot from the Montessori method of teaching. I'm so glad we had the opportunity this year to get to know each other and learn from each other. Onward!

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